
Aliiga comes back

13.08.2018 07:15
Aliiga opens the doors again after one year break. We hope to get even a few teams to fight of next championship of Kataja Cup.

New system

14.08.2017 18:20
We are proud to for presentating our new system of Aleague and Amateur league. Too high level teams of beginnerleague, like ICE BEARS, Slovak Power, New York Chewits and Tontut, will be moved to level higher league: Amateurleague, where some of them have been once before. Amateur league opens the...

D_Larkin vaihtaa joukkuetta

11.08.2017 13:57
D_ Larkin vaihtaa Rocketseihin Erie Ottersista, jossa on pelannut jo melko kauan. Larkin on pelannut Rocketseissa ennenkin viime kauden alulla, ennen kuin Otters liittyi liigaan. Olis kyl halukas palamaan kiekon pariin               ...

August Cup is a prepearing cup

16.07.2017 14:36
Players can play august games to get ready for next season. Organizers will be Hob. Greci and Adak with Maikol. Teams has to sign up separately for one of them and they are fighting together of august championship. Gaming system Cup will be deferent than we have used to. Wirst will be automaticied...

Royal Rumble the new training team

27.05.2017 02:26
Vancouver Rocket's new defender Lapute gave an offer for the league to use his old team Royal Rumble for a training purpose. That turned out a great idea and the team were registered as an official Aleague's training team. Team plays mostly off season, but there can be also training matches for...

Erie Otters ei pelaa ensi kaudella

31.03.2017 14:25
Tiedotus--------Erie Otters ei pelaa ensi kaudella aloittelijoiden liigaa. Erie ei pelaa siksi koska olen liika epäaktiivinen ja pelaan yleensä jotain.Erie Otters kunnioittaa Vancouver Rocketsia aliigan mestaruudesta. Erie Otters nostaa D_Larkinin paidan kattoon. Ja toivon että Aloittelijan liiga...


26.02.2017 01:31
Aloittelijoiden liigalle saadaan pian suomenkieliset selostukset. Ne löytyy liigan omalta Youtube -kanavalta joka linkataan pian liigasivulle. Selostan alkuun liigapelejä varmaan itse. Ne voivat olla tönkösti selostettuja kun minulla ei ole kokemusta selostamisesta, mutta hyvä puoli on ainakin se,...

Next season

20.02.2017 19:31
Aleague board had a convertation. Next season games will be detailed. Aliiga will publish calender and all games will be played 19:00 Season will take about 6 months plus Play Offs. Games will still be played team challenges, but 4vs4. Penalties will be added on. As a league game will be counted...

All Stars ended 3-2

26.12.2016 13:46
All Stars ended 3-2 for Team America

New Aleague page

02.12.2016 13:49
RyanH has designed new Aleague press homepage. What made RyanH design this new page? The idea of getting stats to the league and goals, made me feel something is missing New site has information about league, some news, another standings and also player stats. I came site and found there our...
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